Launching into Cyber Security - Seminars

Various seminars hosted by the tutor were held during the course of this module, these are described below

Seminar 1 - Shell Global

Seminar 1 Preparation

Investigate the various security concerns this company has had, and might have in the future. Provide exemplars of how these concerns have been or can be dealt with by the company. How have other multi-national organisations mitigated such issues? Based on this example, what issues do you foresee as a Cyber Security professional if employed by multinational companies? How does this compare with issues faced by small and medium-sized companies? We will also discuss various Cyber Security roles during this seminar. Have you reviewed potential roles to take up during/after this course? If so, why have you chosen a particular role?

Student Notes

Student notes were prepared for this seminar. These are available by clicking on the link below

Click here to download the above notes in a .pdf format

Seminar 2 - A worked example of a web-based information system

Seminar 2 Preparation

Review 3 threat modelling techniques that you have found are more commonly used in any industry of your choice.

In deciding what techniques to apply, what considerations need to be made to professional, legal, social and ethical concerns?

Student Notes

Student notes were prepared for this seminar. These are available by clicking on the link below.

Click here to download the above notes in a .pdf format

Seminar 3 - UML Diagrams

Seminar 3 Preparation

In this week, we were taken through a worked example of a web information system using UML diagrams to model designs of the security requirements of the threats identified in the week 4 seminar.

Review the recording of seminar 2 (unit 4).

Try developing a UML diagram using the Visual Paradigm tool to model at least two of the designs discussed in the seminar.

Student Notes

Student notes were prepared for this seminar. These are available by clicking on the link below.

Click here to download the above notes in a .pdf format

Seminar 4 - Databases

Seminar 4 Preparation

This week, you will be guided through worked examples as an introduction to Python programming and MySQL database management system.

Use the outcomes from this seminar to plan your task/design for the final assessment. It provides a useful example of how you can approach your assignment. An opportunity to ask questions about your own work. You will be submitting an outline of your plan in Unit 10.

Ensure you have completed the Python exercises highlighted in Unit 7 (and Flode, if you are new to programming).

As unit 9 looks at Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), compare and contrast OOP with two other popular programming paradigms. Why is OOP more popular? The answer to this particular question is key to understanding the use of OOP in the rest of the programme.

Topics to be covered in this seminar: creating database and inserting data, altering existing database and updating data.

Seminar 5 - Python & MySQL

Seminar 5 Preparation

In this week's seminar, you will be guided through a worked example of an information system implementing the design discussed in seminar in week 6 using object-oriented programming in Python and MySQL.

Topics to be covered: integration of Python and MySQL, implementation of security measures such as access controls and privileges, manipulating database and updating MySQL database using Python scripts.

Review the recordings of seminars 2 and 3 (units 4 and 6 respectively).

Pick 2 designs that were discussed and try outlining a program using pseudocode that can be implemented for each design. You can attempt outlining a Python programme as well for this implementation.

Seminar 6 - Django Web Framework

Seminar 6 Preparation

This week, you will be guided through a worked example that utilises the Django web framework.

Review the recordings of seminars 2, 3 and 5 (units 4, 6 and 9 respectively)

Now attempt the HTML5 mini-project in Codio.

Bear your use of the HTML language in mind when reading the text on the Django framework and collate the differences and similarities that you encounter.