Research Methods & Professional Practice - Seminars

Various seminars hosted by the tutor were held during the course of this module. Unforfutanely I was not able to attend any of these as the time clashed with working hours at my current employer. Nevertheless, I had watched all the recordings after the seminars.

Seminar 1 - Introduction

Seminar 1 Preparation

Seminar 1 included an introduction to the module as a whole. No prep work was required for Seminar 1

Seminar 2 - Peer Review Activity

Seminar 2 Preparation

In this seminar, we will be focusing on LO 3 “Evaluate critically existing literature, research design and methodology for the chosen topic.” One way this is done is by conducting a peer review of existing literature on a particular subject.

In preparation for this week’s seminar, you will need to source at least 2 papers in a Computing field of your choice that utilise the two different types of research methods to achieve their goal/research aims. Now answer the following questions (please provide justifications for your answers) and be prepared to discuss them in the session:

  • Familiarise yourself with the purpose, problem, objective or research question of each paper. Are they in line with your experience or thoughts on the topic, contributing to the collective body of knowledge in this area?
  • Is the research methodology utilised in each paper appropriate for the stated purpose or question?
  • In terms of data collection and analysis, is this also appropriate for the stated purpose or question?
  • Does each paper support its claims and conclusions with explicit arguments or evidence?
  • How would you enhance the work/paper?


Student notes were prepared for this seminar. These are available by clicking on the link below.

Click here to download the response

Seminar 3 - Case Study: Privacy

Seminar 3 Preparation

Please read the case below and answer the questions. You need to determine the ethical issues involved with this case.

Ricardo works for the records department of his local government as a computer records clerk, where he has access to files of property tax records. For a scientific study, a researcher, Beth, has been granted access to the numerical portion “but not the corresponding names” of some records.

Beth finds some information that she would like to use, but she needs the names and addresses corresponding with certain properties. Beth asks Ricardo to retrieve these names and addresses, so she can contact these people for more information and for permission to do further study.

Now consider, what are the ethical issues involved in deciding which of these options to pursue?

  • If Ricardo is not responsible for determining allowable access, should he release the names and addresses?
  • Suppose Ricardo were responsible for determining allowable access to the files. What ethical issues would be involved in his deciding whether to grant access to Beth?
  • Should Beth be allowed to contact the individuals involved? That is, should the Records department release individuals' names to a researcher? What are the ethical issues for the Records department to consider?
  • Suppose Beth contacts the individuals to ask their permission, and one-third of them respond giving permission, one-third respond denying permission, and one-third do not respond. Beth claims that at least one-half of the individuals are needed to make a valid study. What options are available to Beth?

Student notes were prepared for this seminar. These are available by clicking on the link below.

Click here to download the response in a .pdf format

Seminar 4 - Inferential Statistics Workshop

Seminar 4 Preparation

Review the additional notes on Inference and then complete the Summary Measures worksheet and the Hypothesis Testing worksheet in Excel or LibreOffice.

You will need to provide your interpretation of the results, based on the questions asked and from your analysis of the data. You can complete the worksheets before or after this week’s workshop.

Seminar 4 Response

Click on the links below to retrieve submitted worksheets

Click here to download Exe 8.1B - Solution

Click here to download Exe 8.2B - Solution

Click here to download Exe 8.3D - Solution

Click here to download Exe 8.4G - Solution

Click here to download Exe 8.6C - Solution

Seminar 5 - Workshop on Presenting Results

Seminar 5 Preparation

Complete the Charts worksheet in Excel or LibreOffice. You will need to include your analysis and provide your interpretation of the results.

Seminar 5 Response

Click here to download Exe 9.1D - Solution

Click here to download Exe 9.2E - Solution

Click here to download Exe 9.3B - Solution

Tutor feedback was also provided and can be viewed by clicking on the link below:

Click here to download

Seminar 6 - e-Portfolio Preparation

Seminar 6 Preparation

For this week’s seminar, you will need to review the Professional Skills Matrix which is based on BCS guidelines for Masters programmes and the Essex graduate attributes

  • Compare the content to what has been covered so far in your modules.
  • Insert items you feel should be included in the list (some of these might even be based on personal accomplishments or related to your current employment).
  • Start gathering evidence from this module, as well as previous modules, which will substantiate your skill level.
  • Based on this, complete the SWOT analysis to help with your creation of an Action Plan.
  • Reviewing your degree programme as a whole, reflect on one module in particular that has impacted/will impact your professional practice.

The professional matrix and action was completed. These are available by clicking on the link below.

Click here to download the professional matrix

Click here to download the action plan